Folding Shanghai 上海折叠
Starting from March 28th, the city of Shanghai, which has a population of 24.197 million, implemented a lockdown measure. As a result, the streets had become completely deserted, and the cost of vegetables had dramatically increased. However, even within the same city and the same building, on that very day, lives varied significantly on different floors, with people from different social classes leading entirely distinct lives. The documentary short Folding Shanghai captures these diverse perspectives, providing a glimpse into the lives of individuals from various backgrounds.
During the epidemic, I started a fundraising campaign at my high school, and our group managed to raise over 930K Chinese Yuan (equivalent to approximately 136,7K US dollars). The funds were used to donate essential supplies, such as protective clothing, to hospitals in Hubei province. I brought together like-minded individuals from over twenty high schools across the country who shared a passion for gender equality, and together, we engaged in various social activities throughout China. We launched initiatives such as campaign against menstrual discrimination. One noteworthy initiative aimed to foster mutual understanding between men and women and promote gender equality: the ‘Day of Gender Swap,’ where individuals could simulate living as the opposite gender. The discussion I initiated on Zhihu, a popular Chinese Q&A website, gained significant attention and reached the trending list with over 830K views within a span of just two months。
My Article “I am caught in the dichotomy of wealth and poverty in the world” gained 50k views and 30k likes in Chinese Internet.

Volunteer Teaching In Morocco

Walking With Venezuelan Refugees And Volunteering in The Refugee Camps.

“Rose Emporium: Blossoms for Laborers”
Selling Roses And Giving Roses To The Laborers.
进行中:去年之初,经过丰县铁链女事件,我们希望搭建了一个安全热线,夜晚独行时的女性都可以拨打热线,在回家路上有个人隔空陪同。 在线志愿接听者与求助者自动匹配,姐妹互帮互助。这个想法提出后,得到了大的反响,几天时间内召集了来自国内外五十余所高校的数百名志愿者。由于开发app并非易事,需要许多精力财力,所以进度较慢。我们需要你的加入!
In Progress: The world is unsafe, from high rates of sexual and physical violence against the most vulnerable women to networks of human trafficking and kidnapping. But girls can help one another be safe, whenever they’re in an unfamiliar space without their friends, be it walking home alone at night, traveling by themselves, or attending a party with strangers. Saferland accompanies women who walk alone, take a taxi at night, or feel unsafe on the other side of the phone. Women feeling unsafe will have Saferland at their fingertips, ready to connect them to other women at moment’s notice. The Saferland App will automatically match online volunteer call receivers and users who need help. All the users could both be volunteer call receivers and callers. Also, the community part is a discussion and question-and-answer space for women to encourage and support each other.